Friday, March 15, 2013

five pont 0-max-0-min-0 sine curve sketching

Topic: The Sine Function
Aim: How can we sketch the graph of a sine curve using 0-max-0-min-0 rule?
Do Now: Complete 1 – 9 on practice 13-4
Concept Summary
Suppose y = a sin , when a ≠ 0, b > 0, and Θ is in radians.
|a| is the amplitude of the function
B is the number of cycles in the interval from 0 to 2π
2π/b is the period of the function
Using zero-max-zero-min-zero five point pattern to sketch a sine curve
Look at Problem #4
Handout on page 846
Using y = a sin b Θ, where a = 2 and the period
Is 4π
We can sketch the sine curve using the five point summary as well as find the function rule
Got it? #4
After problem 4
Then look at Problem 5
What is the graph of one cycle of y = ½ sin 2Θ?
Exit slip
What is the amplitude and period of the function y = -3 sin ½ Θ?

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